Douglas book on its way


Paul Makin


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Cherylene with Bill Conway from Salsa who has offered his support for the project. Picture: Supplied

In a captivating narrative frozen in time, local author Cherylene Brooke-Turner delves into the essence of Port Douglas and the Shire, not in the year 2024, but back in 2004.

Cherylene's journey began two decades ago while working at the Marina in Port Douglas, where she began collecting affirmations from well-known locals with a book in mind.

Positive statements that resonate with individuals, poured in from both current residents and those who have since passed, including the iconic Diane Cilento.

Diane, who passed away in 2011, was not only a renowned actress but also a pivotal figure in the shire.

Her influence extended beyond the silver screen when she spearheaded the Karnak Playhouse in the picturesque Whyanbeel Valley, a venue that showcased a myriad of plays, operas, and unique acts from around the globe.

Diane's legacy now lives on in Cherylene's book, "The Voice of Port Douglas and Shire: Piece of History.

Jeff Whitehill helps

Top photographers took pictures for her, and local school kids provided their art.

“Those children would now be in their thirties” said Cherylene.

“The wonderful Jeff Whitehill god rest his soul was another to support the project with a beautiful affirmation."

Jeff passed away in 2022 but left behind some wise words for all of us: “Never fear to turn the key to your imagination and free your genius”.

Despite facing personal challenges including a breast cancer scare, and just life itself getting in the way, she put the project on the back burner for two decades.

Cherylene has resurrected the project with renewed vigour aided by a grant from the Regional Arts Development Fund. The book will feature 190 pages of material and 150 people across our community.

A Supernatural nudge

Cherylene says she’s a great believer in the ‘universe’ supporting her project and tells a remarkable and spooky story of how she was informed by the heavens she was on the right track.

On a road trip with her dogs between Port Douglas and Mareeba and having just filled out the application to the Regional Arts Development Fund she pulled over on the side of the road to let her dogs have a pee break.

It was at this point she looked down to see a $20 note in the dirt. $20 on the 20th Anniversary of starting to write the book?  Que the ‘Twilight Zone’ music please. That legal tender is now a treasured ‘good luck charm’.

The Final hurdle

Before the book can be published, Cherylene needs a minimum of 1000 orders. With only 13 orders secured thus far, including one from this writer, she is reaching out to the community for support.

Priced at $70 for a hardcover glossy presentation, the book is a poignant time capsule of the shire from two decades ago.

As Cherylene puts it “as readers turn these pages, they are invited to find an affirmation that resonates with their own journey, encouraging them to believe in themselves and never relinquish their dreams, all while basking in the shared memories and wisdom of a vibrant community” she said. 

Pre orders close July 1.

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