FISHING COLUMN: Quality fishing packed with a punch


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Jamie Beitzel's Fishing on the Daintree charter is proving a winner with standard Barramundi being caught at the moment. Picture: Supplied

The local fishing scene has continued to deliver both inshore and offshore. Conditions have remained benign allowing for multiple options to be undertaken.

Inshore Jamie Beitzel’s Fishing on the Daintree charter has tapped into the prime species including barramundi and the impressive fingermark species.

Preferred methods have been live baiting with live sardines and anti-snag soft plastic lures designed to work hard in against the thick mangrove banks.

Locally in the Dickson Inlet the mangrove jack are quite busy against the banks or around man made structure. The old pilchard bait cut in half or in even presented full is a go to bait and will attract the bigger sized ‘jacks’.

Offshore, the winds have been really kind and the quality large mouth nannygai have retained the number one spot on the mantle piece in recent times.

Deep water hangs are a must in 30m or deeper on rubble patches, deep pinnacles or certain wonky holes which are flowing.

A wonky hole is an ancient under ground river system which releases at a port hole in the ocean, typically in between the mainland and the edge of the outer reef.

A whole pilchard with a sheath of whole squid over the top on a paternoster rig is claiming the bigger fish over 6kg and more.

With the region relatively quiet tourist wise, a customised trip with a small group of friends is your best bet to access the best fishing on offer.

This time of year is all about quality not necessarily quantity. We've just been exposed to massive king tides and the fishing will become easier as we speak. 

*Heff has spent 28 years in the fishing industry and is the owner of Fishing Port Douglas.