Government offers free electric ant eradication in a bid to protect precious ecosystem


Lisa Keller

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Small but mighty: Electric Ants taking down a Native Green Ant that is 10x their size. Image credit: Sam Wylie

In the battle against Electric Ants, a small but significant threat to both human and animal health as well as our native environment, proactive measures are crucial. Thankfully, the National Electric Ant Eradication Program offers a lifeline to Douglas Shire residents with a simple, accessible solution: Free yard checks.

Hailing from South America, Electric Ants were first detected in North Queensland in 2006 and pose a major threat to our native environment as they prey on insects and other ant species that are crucial to our ecosystem. Their sting can also irritate humans and cause suffering to our household pets.

At just 1mm in size, you’d be forgiven for missing these little critters should they be in your yard which is exactly why the Queensland Government have introduced free yard checks - leaving it to the professionals to diagnose, source and eradicate Electric Ants when found. 

The service, which typically takes about one hour, is designed to be as non-invasive as possible and has been proven to be the most effective way to identify the pests. In fact, up to 43% of all Electric Ant infestations are detected through the National Electric Ant Eradication Program, often with homeowners unaware of the colony. 

Principal Project Officer of the National Electric Ant Eradication Program, Robert Ibell 

said early detection is key and encourages all residents to make use of the free service. “Being so small, Electric Ants are easily missed but can cause real damage to you, your pets and the native wildlife,” he said. “Don’t assume you don’t have them just because you can’t see them”.

In the unfortunate case that Electric Ants are detected on your property, treatment is also completely free. “Our team will return at another time to begin the eradication process which is done over 4 separate treatments,” Mr Ibell explained. 

While you may not be able to see them, there are some tell-tale signs that you may have an Electric Ant infestation including irritation whilst gardening or noticing irritation in your pets. Mr Ibell said house pets are one of the most affected animals. “Along with a slight sting to humans, Electric Ants can blind cats and dogs if bitten. 

“They also deter native wildlife and will cause your fruit trees to stop flowering,” he said. Mr Ibell also went on to explain that these ants are “opportunistic” and colonies can survive in the most obscure places including building materials, garden furniture and even old wrapping and packaging. 

Don't wait until it's too late. Schedule your yard check today by booking online here or calling 13 25 23.