Damaged florist soon back in business

Car Smash

Howard Salkow

Senior Journalist

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The Mossman florist as it looks today as repairs are urgently done with the possibility of being open for business on Wednesday. Image: Roy Weavers

It takes a lot to faze Heike Anderson, the 30-year owner of Port Douglas Florist and Mossman Florist, even if an out-of-control car ploughed into her shop and ended up at the back door.

The normally quiet town of Mossman was shaken at 7:30 Monday morning when a man, and a three-year-old passenger, allegedly suffered a seizure and caused significant damage when he drove his car into the florist.

But an upbeat Heike said work began yesterday and today to repair the shop and she is confident the florist will be operational on Wednesday.

“Everyone has been incredibly helpful and this includes the landlord and the community. People have been generous and I have received chocolate, gin and tonic, among other gifts,” she said.

Such is the nature of this generosity, a Port Douglas shop owner, Sofia Hurford, of Cobra Queen Beauty on Warner Street, offered temporary retail space for the Port Douglas and Mossman Florist to use while finding their feet after the crash.

Heike was humbled by this offer and thanked Sofia for this Good Samaratan act. “I’m just glad that the repair work has happened so quickly and she’ll soon be operational,” said Sofia.

RoyWeavers, owner of Mossman Print, which is situated next to the florist, said he was amazed that this had happened.

“The driver took out the frame, but incredibly enough, there was no structural damage. Everyone in the town is thankful that she was not in the shop when the incident occurred,” said Weavers.

Heike said she received a phone call in advance advising her of the crash and it was not a total shock when she arrived at the shop.

“I’ve seen a lot worse,” she quipped.



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