Search on for mystery millionaire in Mossman after lotto win


Jeremy Lebeuf

Feature Writer

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Tanya Bown and Renee Wight from News Extra Mossman are waiting for the winner to claim their prize. Image: Karlie Brady.

Mossman has a new instant millionaire in the lottery - but they don’t know it yet.

Anyone who has recently bought a Gold Lotto ticket from the News Extra Mossman is being urged to check their pockets, wallets and fridge doors for the life-changing ticket.

The Lott is looking for the missing Division One winner from last night’s Monday and Wednesday Gold Lotto draw.

“They purchased a winning entry from the News Extra Mossman and have taken home a Division One prize of one million dollars,” a Lott spokesperson said.

Owner of the News Extra Mossman, Tonia Galpin, said they have no idea who the winner may be.

“Hopefully, someone will come in soon to check their ticket and it will be the winner,” she said.

“We are really excited to have someone win that much money from Mossman, it’s amazing.

“It’s the biggest winnings we have given out in the ten years we have owned the News Extra,” said Ms Galpin.

The ticket is unregistered, so officials from The Lott have no way of contacting the winner and have to wait for them to come forward to claim their prize.

Check your tickets! You could be that mystery person and suddenly be $1 million richer.

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