Telstra 5G switched on in Port Douglas



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Telstra 5G comes to Port Douglas. Image: Karlie Brady.

Telstra 5G coverage is now available in Port Douglas, with Telstra recently switching on services as part of a national rollout of the next generation of mobile technology.

Regional General Manager Rachel Cliffe said it was exciting that Telstra was the first and only provider to roll out Telstra 5G connectivity in the region.

“This means Telstra customers with 5G mobile devices can enjoy a better mobile experience,” Ms Cliffe said.

“There are more than one million 5G devices already connected to the Telstra network and thousands more 5G devices being added every week.

No word yet on when the rest of the Shire will be connected, however the rollout is progressing.

“We’re continually expanding our 5G network across Queensland and we’re adding up to 60 new Telstra 5G sites to the network every week across the country.

“Telstra has been leading the way in pioneering 5G technology and making it available to regional customers.

“Rolling out Telstra 5G in Port Douglas demonstrates Telstra’s commitment to regional Australia as we expand our 5G network across the country," Ms Cliffe said.

Ms Cliffe said the recent 5G network upgrade will also deliver improved 4G capacity and speeds in the local area.

There are now more than 3,100 Telstra 5G sites on-air in more than 160 cities and towns and 5G coverage available in more than 2,450 suburbs across the country.

More than 60 per cent of Australia’s population now lives in Telstra’s 5G footprint and Telstra has made a commitment to roll out its 5G network to 75 per cent of the population by the end of June 2021.

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