Renewed angst for Warner Street Rosewood trees


Howard Salkow

Senior Journalist

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Douglas Shire Council is investigating the declining health of several rosewood trees in Warner Street, Port Douglas. Image: Supplied.

The plight of the Warner Street rosewood trees has again reared its head after it was learned that Douglas Shire Council is investigating the declining health of several trees.

According to a Council statement, the row of trees, located on the eastern side of the street, have shown signs of serious stress in the past two weeks.

“Council Officers will continue to monitor the health of the trees which are an important natural asset to the town and an independent arborist will inspect the trees and provide a report to Council,” it said.

The trees have been beset with problems and in September 2019 it was reported that the trees had been poisoned.

If anyone has fought to ensure the future of the trees, it’s local resident Danielle Piat, who has a special connection to the trees as her father planted them in 1992.

In November 2018, when it was learned that Council planned to cut down the trees, she launched a petition which garnered more than 2,000 signatories.

“About a month ago we heard the trees were going to be removed, so we had a meeting with council and did a walk around.

“It was after this we agreed we would do this petition and since then it’s had a pretty good response from the community,” she said at the time.

Concerned residents are surprised that some of the trees are in decline and questioning why there has been a sudden change.

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