Toyah: Extradition order sent to India

Toyah Cordingley murder

Howard Salkow

Senior Journalist

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Left: An arrest warrant has been issued for Rajwinder Singh. Right: Wangetti Beach location. PICTURE: SUPPLIED

There is a breakthrough in the Toyah Cordingley murder which occurred on a Far North beach more than two years ago.

In October 2018 after taking her dog for a walk at Wangetti Beach, Toyah, 24, was killed. Her father Troy Cordingley discovered her body the following day.

The Assistant Minister to the Attorney General, Senator Amanda Stoker, confirmed that she has signed an extradition request to India with respect to a man wanted by Queensland Police in relation to the murder.

“Extradition requests vary considerably in complexity and can depend on a number of factors including the criminal offences, the criminal conduct underlying those offences and the volume of the documentation required to make a valid extradition request to another country, as well as the relevant country’s own legal processes.

“Generally the Australian Government does not comment on individual steps along the extradition process in an individual matter.

“However, given the intense community and media interest in this matter, I am publicly confirming that a formal extradition request has been approved by me, as Assistant Minister to the Attorney-General.

“The next step in the extradition process is to formally lodge the request with India. While I appreciate the ongoing focus on this case, it is important that extradition processes, which are now in train, are able to proceed through the proper, legal process,” she said.

The alleged killer has been identified as nurse Rajwinder Singh, who is believed to have left his wife, child and job in Cairns to flee to India on the day of Toyah’s death.

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