Mayor Kerr sees light at end of tunnel

Council’s Annual Report


Last updated:
Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr says the 2020/2021 financial year has been a roller coaster for the Douglas community. Image: Douglas Shire Council

A Special Council meeting will be held on Monday 15 November 2021, at 10am, when the Annual Report for 2020-2021 will be tabled. This is the only item on the agenda.

In his message, Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr says the 2020/2021 financial year has been a roller coaster for the Douglas community.

“But I believe there is light at the end of the tunnel and the rocky road in front of us will lead us to a prosperous future.”

Kerr adds: “The annual report details Council’s efforts to continue getting on with the job and helping our community through these unchartered challenges. As Mayor I will continue to execute the will of the people by taking Douglas Shire in a direction where transparency, sensible investment and a stronger economy is paramount. I will continue to do this in the face of a crisis.

“Through prudent financial management, our operating position finished at a $2.23 million deficit – an improvement on the budgeted deficit of $3.66 million.

“Council started work on its largest ever capital works program and by June 30 this year, completed 107 projects and expended or committed $29.473 million to the market.”

Further information: Council Meetings - Douglas Shire Council


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