Nativity Sheep Trail shares Xmas story



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The Nativity Sheep Trail is again adding some fun as Christmas approaches and Mossman residents are already enjoying this event which began earlier this month.

The Nativity Sheep Trail, which runs until December 7, is designed to bring people into local businesses and to share the Christmas story.

Participating shops in Mossman will have a cute little sheep, wearing a name tag, displayed somewhere in their business. They will also have entry forms and will display a poster at the front of their shop.

The idea being that families and children will pick up an entry form, follow the trail through town, visit the participating businesses, find all the sheep and record their names on the entry form.

A box at Bartolos Store in Sugarland Arcade, will be provided for completed entry forms to be deposited. All entries that have the correct names will go into the draw to win a family Christmas Gift Basket. The draw will take place at the Christmas Night Markets on December 8.

As in previous years, the Mossman Uniting Church, together with local businesses, are organising the event.

For further details, contact Nativity Sheep Trail Co-ordinator Janelle Shrimpton: 0407 148 953.


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