POLL: Is Reynolds Park the preferred location for splash pool?

Splash park

Howard Salkow

Senior Journalist

Email Howard
Last updated:
Reynolds Park is Douglas Shire Council's preferred location for a splash park. Image: Newsport

Reynolds Park, according to Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr, is the preferred location for a splash park. It was also identified in the tender process, which closed on November 16.

And we would like to hear from you, our Newsport readers, if this is an appropriate venue; or where you think would be a more suitable location.

Our questions are valid at a time when Douglas Shire residents want to see some kind of development – a splash park would be a move in the right direction.

Do you think Reynolds Park is a suitable location for a splash park?
Where would you locate a splash park?

There are already a number of positives and include support from the federal and state governments, with the latter committing $1.5 million which would go towards the design concept and the splash park.

Although there is significant support for a Yeppoon-style lagoon pool, it’s been clearly stated it would not be financially viable.

“It would not be financially sustainable for this shire to have a free lagoon.

“Unless the state government allows councils to introduce a bed tax or something similar, we simply do not have the revenue ability for a lagoon.

“This council is currently looking at a free entry water splash park with a paid access safe water swimming area as part of this year’s operational plan,” said Mayor Kerr.

We look forward to your responses as we anticipate community feedback once the successful consultant (from the tender process) has prepared detailed designs for the splash park component which will be Stage 1. The aim is for the splash park to be shovel ready in time to seek funding in 2022.


Thank you!

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