POLL: Council seeks information about poisoned trees

Rosewood trees mystery

Howard Salkow

Senior Journalist

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In attempting to ensure the trees' survival, Council has been treating the roots and wounds. Image: Jereme Lane

Douglas Shire Council today encouraged anyone with information about the poisoned Rosewood trees on Warner Street to advise Council.

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This comes in the wake of Council, acting on the advice of arborist reports, removing eight Rosewood trees in mid-November following a toxicology report which confirmed a number of the iconic trees were poisoned.

In a statement to Newsport, Council said it had conducted a thorough investigation into the poisoning which looked into a number of possibilities within its powers.

“Unfortunately, while toxicology reports indicated the trees were poisoned, identifying the person/s responsible is extremely difficult.

“We continue to encourage anyone with information about the trees to contact Council on: [email protected] or call (07) 4099 9444.”

Council’s recent focus has been on ensuring the survival of the trees by completing the following work:

  • Removing deadwood;
  • Aerating soil and applying an anti-fungal;
  • Applying treatments of broad-spectrum fertilizer (Nitrophoska T.E);
  • Treating all wounds with insecticide and steri-prune; and
  • Cleaning old wounds and loose bark from base of trees up to 1.8m and treat, including treating damaged roots.


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