Motorcyclist recovers in Cairns after Mossman crash

Hire car and motorbike crash

David Gardiner


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Motorcycle and hire car crash

A Mossman man is recovering in Cairns Hospital after the motorcycle he was riding and a hire car collided last Friday afternoon near Mossman.

The crash occurred at the intersection of Mossman-Mt Molloy Rd and the Captain Cook Highway at around 2.45pm.

The rider was taken to Mossman Hospital and after his condition was stabilised, he was flown by helicopter to Cairns where he remains.

There were no other injuries as a result of the accident.

Images of the crash scene supplied by a Newsport reader show several other drivers and passengers who had stopped as a result of the accident, went over to offer help to the fallen motorbike rider.

Police have urged motorists especially those not familiar with the area’s roads to be aware of cane train activity during crushing season in and around train crossings at intersections – like the scene of Friday’s accident.

They said they are investigating whether the driver of the hire care might have been confused about the crossing and intersection.

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