Hollywood stars fly into Port Douglas

New movie to be shot in the region

Jamie Jansen


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Rumours are that Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry are staying at Silky Oaks Lodge.

Rumours are hot that Hollywood stars Pete Davidson, Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom have flown into Cairns and will be staying at Silky Oaks Lodge in Mossman.

The celebs are said to be in town for a new movie called Wizards, directed by David Michod.

Kim Kardashian’s partner and former Saturday Night Live star, Pete Davidson, was spotted in a Cairns arcade yesterday night.

Whether he was accompanied by Ms Kardashian can’t be confirmed, but an Instagram post from two days ago shows the couple having a day out on a tropical island.

A more recent post shows Ms Kardashian celebrating her daughters birthday so speculations are she is now back in LA to be with her daughter.

Locals have also been reporting sightings of Orlando Bloom at IGA in Port Douglas.

The actor is being accompanied by fiance Katy Perry and daughter Daisy Dove and is set to join Mr Davidson on the set of Wizards.

Newsport has contacted Silky Oaks Lodge but they couldn’t confirm the celebs staying at the luxury resort.

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