Port Douglas pervert strikes again

Peeping Tom

Michael Warren


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Port Police has called for assistance to identify the Port Douglas pervert thought responsible for public lewdness.

A wandering naked man that made lewd comments and was observed holding his genitals in a public street is thought to have struck again, this time it’s believed by peering through windows in Port Douglas neighbourhoods in the early hours of the morning.

Dubbed the “Port Douglas Pervert” by locals Douglas Police believe the man behind the offending on May 13 around Port and Davidson Streets and May 15 on Mudlo St is most likely behind the peeping tom incidences.

“Yes we do believe the cases early last month and the more recent cases of an offender looking into windows and taking photographs are linked,” Port Douglas Sergeant and Officer-In-Charge Damian Meadows told Newsport.

“Since that time we’ve received around four reports of a man looking into windows around town.

“Obviously we’re concerned about this and we continue to investigate this matter, if anyone in the Douglas community knows this man or can identify him we ask you to get in touch with us as soon as possible.”

A short time ago an infrared camera image captured an unsubstantiated image of the potential offender and Newsport has not confirmed this is the man Police are searching for.

On a poster circulating around Port Douglas the image along with a description of the man has been widely distributed.

According to a witness the man is between 50-65 years old and around 183cms.
He’s lean, is bald or has a receding hairline and has purportedly taken images through windows between 5.45am – 6.15am.

Police are still yet to confirm if the offender is local or a temporary itinerant, but they want him caught, identified and off the streets as soon as possible.

“If anyone fits the description we ask them to contact Crimestoppers, Police link or us here at Port Douglas police station – as usual callers can choose to remain confidential,” Mr Meadows said.


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