Queensland Government’s 2022-2023 budget splashes out on Port Douglas

See how Douglas Shire will benefit from the State Government Budget 2022-2023

Mary Banfield


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Wangetti Trail with Cynthia Lui: Photo Supplied.

Douglas Shire has received a significant investment boost from the Queensland Government with the release of the 2022-2023 Budget last week. Over the next year, there will be additional funding for the Wangetti Trail, funding for a new Port Douglas splash park, and the redevelopment of the Cow Bay Primary Health Centre.

A massive $2.9 billion of the State’s budget has been allocated to Far North Queensland (FNQ) with the hope of triggering economic growth, creating jobs and replenishing a health system that is recovering from Covid.

“In this year’s budget we are making record investments in health, education, jobs, renewables, and community services like police, fire and emergency services,” said Cynthia Lui, Member for Cook. “Our Budget is focused on delivering good jobs and better services for all Queenslanders, no matter where you live.”

Infrastructure commitments

The 2022-2023 state budget has allocated $59.1 billion over the next four years to be invested into Capital Works across Queensland.

Of the state budget infrastructure allocation, FNQ will receive $1.2 billion for 2022-2023.

Tourism has been the major focus of the infrastructure budget for the Douglas with a massive $17.1 million allocated to the region.

Around half of this funding has been earmarked for the Wangetti Trail which will receive $9.4 million in 2022-2023.

This 94-kilometre walking and mountain biking track will allow tourists to travel through the National Park and enjoy the stunning landscape from Palm Cove to Port Douglas providing a huge boost to tourism and jobs for the area.

A further $1.1 million will be sunk into the construction of a Port Douglas splash park and additions to Mossman’s public pool.

Supporting jobs and improving living standards.

The State Government has recognised that the increasing cost of living and surging power prices has left many people struggling.

Across FNQ it’s estimated the budget will create 3900 jobs.

The government has further committed to expanding social housing with an injection of $172.9 million.

There is some relief in the budget for concession holders, who will receive a $175 Cost Of Living rebate, and there is an additional budget allocation of $385 million to assist low-income earners with electricity costs.

Investment into health

The State Government has recognised that Covid 19 has left health services depleted.

Douglas Shire will benefit from the $1.5 billion allocated to FNQ with a commitment to redevelop the Cow Bay Primary Health Care.

“I am proud of my budget achievements for the Douglas Shire because it supports regional growth and development but most importantly, it is about the Palaszczuk Government’s strong commitment and support for the regions,” said Cynthia Lui.

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