LETTER TO EDITOR: 'Dingo trapped and killed unnecessarily' - Newsport reader

Dear Editor,
I am furious as to what has taken place in regards to the murder of an innocent animal. He (the Port Douglas dingo) was trapped and killed unnecessarily as he posed no threat to anyone.
I have been at the Sheraton for over 18 months and always found him to be an absolute joy to see if ever I was fortunate to.
Some mornings he would watch the golfers on the fairway and he would watch them from a distance near the avenue of palms.
Once they would move their game and leave the area he would appear and run onto the grounds and frolic and jump around like a young dog and fall on his back, legs up in the air and rub his back on the grass.
Then he would sit up assess his surroundings and think 'hmm what will I do now”, so he would run and chase the birds and go on his merry way.
In the entire 18 months, dark late nights and dark early mornings I’ve been there he has never posed a risk to anyone or anything . He’s always been timid and shy and would evade humans - never confront.
He was given the name 'Ernie' by the guys on the grounds who work there everyday, who used to love seeing him and he was never brazen enough to approach anyone. He would change direction and leave.
I know for a fact that for the actions and complaints of certain entitled individuals who have been on the council's back and other organisations like the biosecurity office, telling unsubstantiated stories without any evidence. Just lies to suit their entitled narrative.
We contacted the biosecurity office and also sent them the video which I have attached for our concern of people wanting to harm him with poisoned meat. The video shows how he just meanders harmlessly.
I’m willing to go on record as I’d rather protect an innocent animal than evil hearted, entitled individuals who think their above all else because of their finances.
The family of dingoes that are here pose no threat and if they did it would all be documented with hard evidence. Not embellished fairytales.
There are many other cities you can move to if you don’t wish to coexist with our wildlife.
Sandra Failla - Douglas Shire resident
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