Port Douglas real estate group excels at state awards

THE Raine & Horne flag was flying high at the recent Queensland State Awards for Real Estate where the Port Douglas entity featured in seven awards including second in Real Estate sales that featured 80 offices in Queensland.
“We are extremely proud of our team competing against the larger offices in the southern part of the state and to have achieved second against 80 offices in Queensland is something we are proud of,” said Travis Schumacher, Director & Licencee, Raine & Horne Port Douglas
“We do have to admit we thought we had done enough last year to crack number one for the first time, but we were pipped by only a couple of sales by the Toowoomba team.
“As Principal I am very proud of our achievement from our sales team throughout our hard working property management team. It has only made us a little hungrier to try and achieve that top goal one day."
Raine & Horne featured in the following awards:
- Charlie Madgwick (QLD Rookie of the Years in Sales)
- Jocelyn Schumacher (QLD Chairman Club for Property Management)
- David Cotton QLD (Chairman Club For Real Estate Sales)
- Renae Mous QLD (Chairman Club for Real Estate Sale)
- Renae Mous 7th in (Real Estate Sales in QLD)
- David Cotton 4th in (Real Estate Sales in QLD)
- Raine Horne Mossman/Port Douglas (2nd in QLD Real Estate Sales)

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