Bold break-in at NicNak Shed shocks community


Jamie Jansen


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Though the full extent of the stolen items remains unclear, they managed to make off with the till containing $200 in cash and leaving a trail of destruction. Picture: NicNak Shed Port Douglas

A senseless act of vandalism and theft rocked the NicNak Shed in Port Douglas on Saturday morning, April 6, when a couple forcefully entered the Op Shop, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. 

According to NicNak Shed Manager, Jo Westgate, it appears the perpetrators meticulously planned their break-in, using tools to pry open the back door before entering through a window to access the register.

Though the full extent of the stolen items remains unclear, they managed to make off with the till containing $200 in cash, along with a vacuum cleaner. 

“They also snagged the office key from the till and they tried to take the office desk, but they left it in the car park, probably because it wouldn’t fit in their vehicle,” Ms Westgate said.

“I was relieved to find that they didn't smash any glass. They did, however, tip a few things upside down and in the sorting room most of the bags were ripped open. They also damaged the donation bin by breaking the metal part where the padlock hooks in”

While the identities of the culprits remain unknown, authorities have obtained promising leads. 

“When they were vandalising the sorting room, it seems they were feeling the heat of the moment because they turned on the air conditioner, leaving a clear imprint on the remote” Ms Westgate said.

“We also have footage from two different camera views capturing them in the act. Their torchlights can be seen for hours, indicating they spent considerable time sorting through items to steal what they considered valuable.

“I’m deeply shocked and disappointed that someone would target a charity shop like this.”

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