Neighbourhood Centre launches Drop-in Afternoon


Karlie Brady


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Neighbourhood Centre volunteer Carlo, Community Worker Marissa, and Volunteer Keiran at the first Community Lunch and Drop-in Afternoon. Image: Supplied.

The Port Douglas Neighbourhood Centre has launched a new weekly Community Lunch and Drop-in Afternoon to bring people together.

Manager Emma Travers said the new program is intended to create a welcoming environment for the Port Douglas Community with a relaxing afternoon on the back deck.

“We will have a free community lunch which will cater to both meat-eaters and vegetarians, free hot and cold drinks, free laundry facilities and showers and live music,” she said.

In the future, the centre even plans to add more offering such as free haircuts.

“We know that many people in our community can feel isolated and that if they don’t like or have the means to go to live music venues, they may not get to hear much live music or have social interaction.

“We hope through sharing lunch and creating a welcoming vibe we can build connections across our community,” Ms Travers said.

Child and Parent Support Worker, Erin Easton, ran the centre’s first drop-in afternoon yesterday and said it was a great day.

“We had between 15 and 20 attendees to our first drop-in afternoon,” she said.

“We had people from all walks of life enjoying a relaxing atmosphere and a delicious freshly cooked hot lunch with a vegetarian option also available, dessert and a nice cold drink.”

The Port Douglas Neighbourhood Centre is encouraging the whole community to come along and for any musicians who want to get involved to get in touch.

The Drop-in Afternoons will run weekly on Thursdays between 1:00pm and 4:00pm.

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