Miallo State School doing their bit for the planet

National Recycling Week


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Students from Miallo State School got a visit from Council officers this week to highlight the importance of effective recycling. Image: supplied

Recycling correctly was the message for kids when Douglas Shire Council Officers visited Miallo State School this week.

Council is encouraging our communities to “Know Your Waste” by embracing National Recycling Week.

In the first quarter of 2021/22 financial year, Council recycled 309 tonnes of material through its kerbside collection service, with a further 310 tonnes of scrap metal and co-mingled recyclables processed.

Douglas Shire Mayor Michael Kerr said placing the correct items in the correct bin was vital to increasing recycling rates.

“We still see a lot of confusion when it comes to disposing plastics, particularly soft plastics like bread, pasta, cereal and lolly bags,” Mayor Kerr said.

“Our staff have an ongoing waste and recycling education program targeting schools and community groups to encourage our region at the grassroots.”

While small household recyclable items can be put in yellow-lid recycling bins, larger items such as old washing machines, electronic waste, gas cylinders and many other items can be taken to Council’s transfer stations, often for free or a small fee.

“Electronic waste such as TVs, computers and keyboards can also be taken to Killaloe Transfer Station for recycling free of charge,” Mayor Kerr said.


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