A perfect day for a cold one despite pour-ly timed tax hike

Rowan Anderson


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Memories made over a cold one IMAGE: Supplied

Whether it’s a knock off drink after a long day at work or a catch-up drink with friends – Australians love their beer.

Today is International Beer Day and time to raise a glass to celebrate Australian beer despite the recent record tax hike on the flowing product.

A move by the Government that John Preston CEO of the Brewers Association of Australia said just wasn’t good enough.

“Australia’s tax on beer is going up yet again with the recent increase being the largest in more than 30 years,” he said.

“Australians are taxed on beer more than almost any other nation. We have seen almost 20 increases in Australia’s beer tax over the past decade alone.

“Sadly, we’re now seeing the impact as pub patrons will soon be faced with the prospect of regularly paying around $15 for a pint at their local.

“For a small pub, club or other venue this tax hike will mean an increase of more than $2,700 a year in their tax bill – at a time when they are still struggling to deal with the on-going impacts of the pandemic.”

He added however that today was the perfect day to celebrate that beer is a great Australian success story with 85 per cent of beer being grown here, made here and consumed here, generating $16 billion every year for the Australian economy.

“It is a great day to get down to your local for a meal with the family or a beer with your mates and celebrate this wonderful industry,” Mr Preston said.

“Celebrating Australian beer is also about celebrating our farmers who produce the barley and hops that make our beer so special and our hospitality sector which does so much to bring us all together.

“Most significantly within this is our longstanding partnership with Australian farmers.

“In a typical year brewers would purchase around $500 million of agricultural products and directly support 3,000 farm jobs.

“It’s been a challenging time for the Australian brewing and hospitality sectors. Australian beer is the key product for most pubs round the country and our hospitality sector is still rebuilding after the pandemic.”

He also said that with the cost of living pressures hitting the hip pocket the fact that the beer tax has just gone up by the biggest amount in over 30 years means it obviously would make it more difficult for people to head out and enjoy a beer at their local.

The vast majority (85 per cent) of beer consumed in Australia is made in Australia – in breweries and production facilities from Little Creatures in Western Australia to XXXX in Queensland, VB in Victoria and Coopers in South Australia.

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