LETTER: Concerning public bus service

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Local woman gets behind campaign to have transport services between Douglas and Cairns.

Dear Editor,

We are very grateful to Mr.Haratis, that he has raised the attention for public bus services between Mosman, Port Douglas and Cairns!

When we moved here some time ago we could not believe there was no service between Mosmann Port Douglas and Cairns!

There are NOT only holiday tourists staying in Port, lots of people actually live here for good!

As I mentioned before, some people just can't drive their car any more. Some don't want to. And some even don' own a car themselves.

So the need to have public transport definitely is there. Nobody is forced to take the bus, but at least there should be transport available if needed. Wherever we lived in Australia, there always was some public transport! It does not matter that much how frequent it is as long as everyone got the opportunity to take it!

Port Douglas , this well known place, seems to be too upmarket to provide public bus service
for its inhabitants!!!! Big shame!

Thank you!

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