Hard work starts now as new Council sworn in at morning ceremony


Michael Warren


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Roy Zammataro, Abigail Noli, Rachel Brophy, Lisa Scomazzon, Michael Joseph and Damian Meadows at today's ceremony. Picture: Michael Warren

The five faces tasked with guiding the Douglas Shire until at least 2028 were officially sworn in during a ceremony at Council’s Front St headquarters this morning.

Fresh Councillors Michael Joseph Rees and Damian Meadows joined returnees Abigail Noli and Roy Zammataro alongside new Mayor Lisa Scomazzon for the formalities.

Newsport understands Roy Zammataro is expected to edge Damian Meadows for Deputy Mayor when Councillors vote on that appointment at a meeting tomorrow morning.

"Today is a special occasion, it's great to see so many community members in attendence to see the new Council team sworn in," Mayor Lisa Scomazzon told Newsport.

"The real work starts now - it's time to get down to business."


As Newsport has reported extensively the past four months, the Council’s most immediate priority will be focused on disaster recovery and the addressing of the water issues that have continued to plague the Shire since last December’s Cyclone Jasper and the ensuing rainfall.

That also includes a continued focus on Daintree matters. Locals reported an ‘OK’ Easter but nowhere near the amount of visitors the Daintree would normally experience during this time of year.

Council will no doubt keep a very close eye on Noah Range and how this section of Cape Tribulation Road continues to performs the next few months.

Heading back south for a moment and to an issue that’s continued to plague the Shire for many years – the Daintree Ferry.

The very latest was Council was looking to offload it and a motion to seek expressions of interest to take it off Council’s books was successful last July.

Council will also, no doubt want to assist Mossman residents and more specifically those who have been made redundant following the recent announcements of it going into liquidation.

Lastly, there’s also projects like the Port Douglas splash park and the new playground at Rex Smeal Park that will keep Councillors and Council busy over the next few months.

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