Scomazzon responds to Mossman centric claims, addresses public backlash about Damian Meadows not being appointed Deputy Mayor


Michael Warren


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Roy Zammataro was appointed Deputy Mayor of the Douglas Shire at a Tuesday morning Council meeting. Screenshot: Michael Warren

Douglas Shire Mayor Lisa Scomazzon has moved quickly to quash perceptions the four-day old new Council is too Mossman centric dismissing suggestions herself along with Cr Noli and Cr Zammataro – who each live in Mossman or nearby and served previous terms together – intend to vote in a regular block of three at future Ordinary meetings.

That outcry comes after some sections of the Douglas Shire community took to social media straight after Tuesday’s post election meeting to vent their disillusionment, Damian Meadows – who received the most votes in the recent election period – was overlooked, with Roy Zammataro instead gaining the role on the back of a 3-2 majority vote.

Cr Scomazzon, Cr Noli and Cr Zammataro voted for Mr Zammataro, while Cr Meadows and Cr Rees voted against.

There’s a perception, and it remains just that – a public perception in separate pockets of the Shire that because of where the trio reside and the fact they’ve already served numerous Council terms together they’ll potentially prevent Cr Rees or Cr Meadows - who both reside in Port Douglas - from gaining a majority outcome or unanimous vote on key matters or motions inside the chamber.

There’s a further perception in the Shire there is an ongoing divide between Port Douglas and Mossman so it remains to be seen how that plays out in the future.

In addressing public concern Cr Scomazzon said the Deputy Mayor vote simply came down to proven experience at Council level.

“This decision (Deputy Mayor outcome) is something I put deep thought into,” a considered Mayor Scomazzon told Newsport.

“I would like to see the Deputy Mayor for this term play a more significant role than previously, to do this I need a Councillor with experience.

“This term is Cr Zammataro’s third term serving the community, bringing with him eight years’ experience as a Councillor.

“Tuesday’s meeting and the voting for the Deputy Mayor was a great example of the democratic process and how Council operates.

“I am delighted that all Councillors were able to express their opinions in a transparent and healthy debate.

“After the meeting all Councillors warmly congratulated Cr Zammataro on his new appointment as they also did with Cr Meadows on his appointment as deputy chair of the LDMG.”

The highest vote getter in the local election, meantime, has already moved on and is simply excited to represent his beloved Shire.

“We followed the democratic process that we were elected to do,” Mr Meadows said.

“I congratulate Cr Zammataro in his new role, I am sure he is excited about it, as I am about mine”. (Deputy Chair of the Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG).

The new Deputy Mayor is equally excited to get on with Council business.

“I don’t take this role lightly, or for granted,” Cr Zammataro said, as he starts his third term in Council.

“I want to be involved and work together to better our community.”

With the Deputy Mayor matter addressed the newly elected Council has spent time in induction meetings this week and getting familiar with local Government processes.

“This week Councillors have been working together every day and I am more than pleased on how well our team has formed,” Cr Scomazzon said.

“The community has voted in Councillors who want to work collaboratively together to represent the view of all of our community.”

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