LETTER TO ED: Mayoral candidate David Haratsis looks to clear up misconceptions after Newsport letter-to-ed


Contributor Article

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David Haratsis talks at the recent election forum in Mossman. Picture: Newsport

Dear Editor,

I refer to the letter to the editor you published yesterday at 12pm on Newsport titled: 'Where were the Councillors during Jasper - desperately assisting residents in need, that's where'.

This letter is extremely politically motivated in my opinion, but was published anonymously. 

It variously refers to me not having a sufficient grasp of local issues and to my policies wasting ratepayer funds on non-viable ideas.

I wish to state the following:

1. Anyone engaging in political discourse in the media should have the courage to put their name to their letters;

2. So far during this campaign, I have been trolled by fake facebook profiles, denigrated by anonymous posters and had around 10 corflutes damaged or “misplaced” - this letter seems an extension of that behaviour;

3. Unlike many candidates, I actually have policies - quite a number of them, as Newsport has previously published. I am not running a campaign on public transport alone, nor am I just providing bland motherhood statements about “working together”, “change” or “transparency".

4. As I’ve said before, you don’t need to have been to the moon to know its up there - local knowledge is but one part of being an elected representative; in my opinion, it is the skills that person brings to the role that is more important.

Does the Qantas chairman know how to fly an A380? No. Does the Defence Minister know how to fly a fighter jet? No.

These people are educated and intelligent, make sure they are surrounded by the right people who give them the best information so they can then make the right decisions.

To me, the Douglas Shire needs more people with outside experience to bring a different perspective.

I stand by everything I say publicly and put my name and my family’s name to it.

I wish your other letter writers had the same courage of their convictions.

Kind regards,

David Haratsis
Candidate for Douglas Shire Mayor


  • A reminder the views and opinions expressed in this piece are those of the author and author only and do not reflect those of the editor or Newsport staff.

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