LETTER TO ED: 'Where's the humanity?' Locals implore Douglas Shire Council to listen to key Daintree needs to restore livelihoods


Contributor Article

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Daintree locals have urged Douglas Shire Council staff members to hear their pleas and ideals at a key meeting being held right now in the Daintree. Picture: Supplied

Dear Editor,

Today’s meetings at Cape Tribulation and Cow Bay of Douglas Shire Council and its entourage with local business owners and residents will be a watershed moment for the Daintree community.

This will be the point where the Council either listens to what the community is feeling, i.e. the pain of dislocation and lack of productive lives and respond accordingly, or Council demonstrates that it doesn’t care and just states that we have to put up with what they tell us.

At the heart of this situation is the humanity element - the impacts of being isolated for almost three months that are hurting families, that mean children are not able to get to school, that has led to workers leaving, or residents not being able to attend medical appointments, or that essential services and supplies are not able to be delivered, and so on. All leading to heightened levels of stress, anger, frustration, and mental health.

It seems that dictatorships thrive by lording it over their constituents by simply using communication means to ‘tell’ constituents what is what - the one-way street - that coerces and controls society. But in a democratic society, communication should be a two-way street - engagement in meaningful dialogue to identify the issues, explore solutions and ultimately agree collaboratively on action.

With one formal meeting in Cape Trib in 86 days so far (3 weeks ago), with precious little listening evident and with countless DSC Facebook posts telling the community what they have to put up with, Council is on a treacherous path.

My plea to Council today is simple: come to Cape Trib and Cow Bay with all ears open to hear our concerns and find solutions together. Do not come here expecting to lord it over us by delivering platitudes and excuses or presenting mandatory curfews. We are over it!

On the one side, this watershed can provide beneficial solutions that serves the needs of community; on the other, further discord and confidence-destroying that purely serves the needs of Council.

This principle applies across the Shire right now, whether it be failure to communicate effectively on water outages, or roads - a large portion of the Shire are experiencing hardship and disconnect from Council.

We are prepared for the discussion or prepared to fight - it’s in your hands Douglas Shire Council…

Footnote: to be clear, this watershed moment today of choosing which course to follow is not one for Councillors at the strategic level, but for management at an operational level to decide. But if management can’t do the right thing, Councillors will need to step up and insist on a change in mindset.


Jeremy Blockey


  • A reminder the views and opinions expressed in this piece are those of the author and author only and do not reflect those of the editor or Newsport staff.

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