DOUGLAS DECIDES 24': Sara Mulcahy comment, Douglas Shire identities Bill Allison, Chris Barber enter Councillor race


Michael Warren


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Bill Alison (pictured centre) has confirmed his intentions to run for local Council. Picture: Newsport file

Sara Mulcahy Councillor statement

Just days ago a notice of election was issued by the Electoral Commission Queensland. That means I, Sara Mulcahy, am officially throwing my hat in the ring for one of the four Councillor roles in the Douglas Shire. 

They were simpler times when I decided to run in November last year. Since Jasper came and wreaked havoc on our community, pressing issues such as our future water security, road access and effective communications have joined longer standing topics such as the Daintree ferry, Mossman Mill, affordable housing and youth facilities at the Council’s long table. 

No one will deny that there’s been some tremendous work done over the past few weeks and yet there is still so much to do. Friends and family have been asking me, do I really want to put myself out there as a candidate during such turbulent times? Well yes, I do. 

I don’t have all the answers, but I certainly have a lot of questions — they’re probably the same questions you have. I’d like to be part of the process that finds solutions and I want to be there from March 16 to make sure we get the best outcomes possible for our amazing community.

There are challenging, interesting and exciting times ahead. More than ever, it’s time for a fresh perspective on council matters in the Douglas Shire.

Further to this, I think one of the main objectives from this election will be to find five people (including the mayor) who can work together. They don’t have to agree on everything — healthy debate is the stuff that good decisions are made of — but they do need to demonstrate respect, empathy and a positive attitude to Council processes.

Meantime, a well known Douglas Shire identity has confirmed they are also throwing their hat in the ring for a Councillor role at March's local Government elections.

Bill Alison is well known in local fishing, men's shed and Tin Shed circles. He said his priorities, among others, as a Councillor would be to look into the local water supply issues, sustainable tourism, electricity, playgound facilities, effective communication and proper use of ratepayers' funds.

We'll endeavour to have a proper and more lengthy chat with Bill in the coming weeks to get a deeper feel and understanding about his ambitions to become a local Councillor.

Lastly, another well known local resident, Chris Barber has also confirmed his intention to secure a Councillor role at next month's elections. Mr Barber is best known for his ongoing hard work and association with the Paws and Claws refuge and boarding centre in Craiglie. We'll also look to have a chat with Chris about why he has chosen to run in the coming weeks as well.



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