‘Risk to public safety’: Half of Warner Street Rosewoods to be removed


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About half the trees on Warner Street in Port Douglas have mysteriously declined in health. Image: Newsport.

Around half of the iconic Rosewood trees on Warner street will be removed after an independent arborist report, commissioned by Douglas Shire Council, declared them unsafe.

The report recommended the urgent removal of a number of rosewood trees due to their deteriorating health.

Last month Council began monitoring the trees after they started to show signs of serious stress before an arborist report in March revealed the trees were likely poised.

In a statement today, Council said the trees now pose a risk to public safety due to potential deadwood failure.

The report found a number of trees had advanced deadwood present.

“The trees’ structural integrity will rapidly degenerate, with associated potential for deadwood failure and ultimately total tree failure if left unmanaged,” the report said.

Investigations into how the trees died is ongoing with samples taken from the affected trees sent to a laboratory for analysis.

“Until these test results are received, it is too early to speculate about what has happened to the rosewood trees,” a Council statement said.

“The removal, which represents about 50% of the street trees, will occur next week.”

Community members will be invited to participate in a tree replacement program that suitably restores and rehabilitates the avenue of trees.

Council is in direct contact with Warner St stakeholders and is inviting members of the public to register by emailing [email protected]. 

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