Man wrestles and stabs crocodile to save colleague after attack in Cape York

Cape York

Jereme Lane


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Image: Supplied by DES

Two men have been attacked by a saltwater crocodile while swimming at Portland Roads in Cape York around 4pm Friday afternoon.

According to witnesses at the scene, who didn't wish to be named, the two men were about to start fishing in a tender when they decided to have a quick swim to cool off.

The men entered the water in the bay at Portland Roads, close to shore, and in less than one minute were attacked by the crocodile. 

The crocodile has been estimated at 2.5m long.

The crocodile grabbed hold of one man and put him into a death roll, before the other man saved him by prising the animal’s jaws open and stabbing the croc in the eye with a knife that he was wearing on his leg.

The two injured men then drove their tender back to the main vessel where they were treated by the ship's medic.

They were then transported to shore at Portland Roads where they waited for a helicopter.

Both men are in a stable condition and scheduled to fly via plane to Cairns hospital late Friday night.

One man received severe bites to his arm, head and shoulder and a grazing bite to the neck, while the other received serious bites to the hand and arm while wrestling the croc’s mouth open to free his colleague.

Both men are expected to make a full recovery.

According to locals, a 2.5m saltwater crocodile has been seen cruising the area daily near the boat ramp heading out to a nearby island to sunbake.

More to follow

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