Mossman Pool re-opening delayed



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The Mossman Pool re-opening date will be confirmed next week. Image: Supplied.

The re-opening of the Mossman Pool has been delayed following the discovery of broken pipes underground next to the pool.

In a statement, council said contractors discovered the damage to the 30-year-old pipes on the grandstand side of the pool.

“Workers will now remove the footpath and replace both pipes to ensure no further leaking when the pool is re-filled.

“The discovery of the broken pipes allows Council to fix the issue and eliminate potential water loss in future years.”

A pool re-opening date will be confirmed next week.

The facility has been closed since mid-May while undergoing a $220,000 upgrade.

Works include the installation of a new all-abilities access ramp, installing new grandstands and roofing, new shade sails, repair of pool tiles and reseal works, upgrades to the BBQ area, new concrete paths, and installation of new lights which will allow the facility to stay open longer.

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