VIDEO | Large shark gets stuck on Four Mile Beach


Karlie Brady


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Rare footage of a shark stuck on Four Mile Beach. Video: Supplied.

A tourist has captured rare footage of a large shark on the sand at the southern end of Four Mile Beach on Tuesday afternoon.

Tourist Judy Fang got a surprise when she wandered onto the beach near Solander Boulevard just after 4:00pm, spotting the shark which she estimated to be around two to three metres long.

“I was walking along Four Mile and the first thing I saw was a group of people surrounding the shoreline,” Ms Fang said.

“As I walked closer it looked like it could possibly be a Tiger Shark.

“Two guys were trying to get what I think was a hook stuck in its mouth out and then they redirected the shark back into to sea.

Ms Fang said the shark was freed within a couple of minutes.

“It was opening its mouth but wasn’t thrashing its tail. When the guy pulled it back into the water it calmly swam off.”

Ms Fang said the sighting added a bit of surprise and excitement to her afternoon walk.

“I was not expecting that.

“Definitely unusual; I have never seen a shark on the beach before,” Ms Fang said.

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