Crocodile trap set in Port Douglas


Jereme Lane


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The baited crocodile trap ready to be set. Image: Jereme Lane

Queensland Parks and Wildlife Services staff set a crocodile trap on St Crispin’s Avenue today.

There have been several sightings lately of a large crocodile in the lagoon next to the golf course, with reports that the animal has approached fishermen.

Port Douglas resident, Lee Baker, said he saw the crocodile last weekend and estimated it at over three metres long.


"It's hard to judge, but he was a fair size," Baker said.


“He came around the corner from the golf course, straight opposite where we were fishing. He was cruising around just checking everything out and he stopped about 20-30m away from us,” he said.

“It was getting dark so we left, but he stayed right there on the surface the whole time.

According to a QPWS spokesperson, the crocodile is estimated at 2.3m in length and has showed no aggression towards the public. Because of the location of the crocodile in proximity to residents, QPWS will attempt to relocate the animal.

QPWS said the trap will stay in the location until the crocodile is caught or the animal leaves the lagoon of its own accord.

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