Man at loggerheads with Douglas Shire Council over abandoned car


Michael Warren


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A man has questioned DSC after his car was towed away, he says, unfairly. Picture: Newsport

A local man believes he faces an unfair and unjust hit to the hip pocket after his claims that Douglas Shire Council had no grounds, basis, or authority to have his registered car removed from the side of a Craiglie residential street.

Luke Ferguson of Mossman Taxis believes Douglas Shire Council has acted unjustly after his car remained in the same spot for more than three days.

“I am told I have to pay $405 if I wish to retrieve my car,” Mr Ferguson said.

“I find the circumstances very puzzling; my car was sitting on the side of a street – it wasn’t abandoned, it had mechanical issues and I was in the process of sorting it out.

“My car has business computers, cheques and identification that I need.”

Meanwhile, Douglas Shire Council said the matter was dealt with, rightfully and legally, under local laws.

“Council’s across Queensland deal with abandoned vehicles under section 100 of the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 or a local law,” a Council spokesperson told Newsport.

“In the Douglas Shire the vehicle owner is given 48 hours from the issuing of the notice to move the vehicle.

“If a notice is not complied with, then arrangements are made to tow and impound the vehicles.

“Where the owner of a vehicle wants the vehicle to be released then the towing fees and an administration fee are required to be paid.”

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