Accomplished Mossman pianist Alex Byrne returns for home concert


Jamie Jansen


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Alex Byrne's upcoming concert in Mossman holds deep personal significance. Picture: supplied

Mossman eagerly prepares to welcome back one of its own, as accomplished Melbourne-based pianist Alex Byrne returns on April 21 for a piano recital devoted to the community that stood by her side.

It will be a trip down memory lane as Ms Byrne will perform at the Mossman Shire Hall, where she was once a music student herself thirteen years ago.

For Ms Byrne, the concert holds a deeply personal significance. It’s a chance for her to express gratitude to the Mossman community that supported her during her formative years in music.

“Mossman holds a place in my heart that will always be very dear to me,” Ms Byrne said.

“This community fostered and nurtured me as a young musician, and I am humbled to be returning to my hometown and celebrating their contribution to my own personal and professional growth as a pianist.”

Having begun her musical journey in Mossman, Byrne continued her formal education at the Queensland Conservatorium before pursuing advanced studies at the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music. 

Her journey has since taken her to Melbourne, where she now lends her talents as a repetiteur for opera companies and as a musical director for acclaimed productions.

Accompanied by tenor Ben Glover, Ms Byrne’s recital, ‘By The River’, will explore a repertoire from the classical music canon, featuring works by composers such as Henri Duparc and Benjamin Britten.

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