Cook MP pledges to work closely with Douglas Shire Council to enable future water security


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The Cook MP has pledged to work closely with DSC to ensure future water security for the Douglas Shire. Picture: Supplied

Cook MP Cynthia Lui has vowed to work closely with Douglas Shire Council to secure long-term water security for residents.

Ms Lui said water was one of the most critical issues facing newly elected Council representatives and it was important for all levels of governments to work together and play their part.

Ms Lui accompanied Douglas Shire Mayor Lisa Scomozzon and chief executive officer Rachel Brophy on an inspection of new technology and water infrastructure in the Shire recently following the delivery of two new ultrafiltration units.

“I’m glad to see the new Council uniting around the need for a second intake on the Mossman River, in line with Council’s water security planning,” Ms Lui remarked.

“I’ve said to new Mayor Lisa Scommazon water security is something I want us to tackle together.

“As well as general community needs, we must support the tourism industry and ensure our resorts and accommodation providers have reliable water supplies.

“My message to the community, my message to Cook Councils is this: I will always fight for funding, I will always deliver results, no matter where you live in Cook."

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