Council endorses WISER application to provide further Douglas Shire water security


Contributor Article

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DSC has endorsed a funding application through the WISER initiative. Picture: DSC

Council has confirmed its endorsement of a grant funding application from the national water grid’s WISER fund in partnership with the Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water for an alternative Mossman water intake.

The national water grid’s water infrastructure for sustainable and efficient regions (WISER) funding initiative aims to improve water security, while being economically and environmentally responsible.

Council confirmed senior staff from the State and Federal Government visited Douglas in February to better understand the Shire’s water constraints and the need for a second intake.

The Mossman intake consists of a new intake from the Mossman river, new clarification process units, low and high lift pump stations and a new pipeline to the Mossman water treatment plant.

Council said the project is estimated to cost $16.4M.

Council has committed $6.4M towards this project and is seeking $5M from the Qld State Government and $5M from the National Water Grid to support this project.

Council said it will continue to focus on leak detection, network optimisation, community engagement and demand management, along with this capital project to ensure the ongoing water security for the Douglas community.



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