Four performances left - smash hit run of 'My Fair Lady' to wrap up at Clink Theatre this Sunday



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The Douglas Theatre Arts Group and their final performance of the classic 'My Fair Lady' will be held this Sunday. Picture: Supplied

The Douglas Theatre Arts Group and their performance of the classic, My Fair Lady, based on the story Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw has been vibrating the stage and wowing audiences in Port Douglas these past few weeks.

My Fair Lady was both a film, starring Audrey Hepburn and in 1956 was the longest running musical on Broadway, starring Rex Harrison and Julie Andrews.

The adaptation by Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe tells of the story of a cockney flower girl, Elisa, becoming the source of a social experiment. 

Noted phonetician, Prof Henry Higgins, who, lamenting the vulgarity of her dialect, rises to the challenge of a bet to teach her ‘proper’ elocution, so he could pass her off in London's high society (including royalty). And so the fun begins.

This is truly a Port Douglas production with a vast cast of 41 performers with another 28 volunteers organising and running the staging, dancing, costumes, sound, stage lights, floor managing.

The Clink has been lucky to have had such outstanding directors behind this production.

Directed by the much loved local thespian, Shaun Cram, who so generously exuded his true passion to really bring out the best in all the performers. 

Musical director, Alteouise De Vaughn, working with the local performers at the Clink, is a long way from her glittering career as a mezzo-soprano touring the world and singing at New York City Opera and Covent Garden. 

This, sadly, is her swan song and last Clink show. Her enthusiasm, professionalism and sheer energy has certainly moulded, from uncertain beginnings, the polished harmonies and singing in the performances. 

Attendance has been good with over 50% attendance (with some great spirited and enthusiastic audiences). With a capacity of 120 seats, that's over 500 people that have come to see the production so far.

Running for a total of 12 performances - including three matinees - the show is now coming up to its last four nights from tomorrow, until this Sunday where the production will end with a matinee performance.


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