SAVE OUR SEASON: Mossman Cane Farmers implore State Government to act now - sign the E-Petition today!


Michael Warren


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Local canegrowers have called on the State Government to assist with the future of the Mossman Mill. Picture: Supplied

An E-petition has been created by John Murday on behalf of Mossman cane farmers.

The E-petition implores the QLD Government to act now to ensure this year’s sugarcane crop is cut and to do what it can to keep the Mill operational in order to secure Mossman’s future.

As it stands, the petition to the Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland and sponsored by local MP Cynthia Lui, has 2634 signatures.

The e-petition is open until April 28. 

The full petition reads:

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House that the sugar industry is the heart of the Mossman community and vital to the Shire's economy.

Operating for over 100 years, the Mossman Mill generates $190 million in annual economic activity for the region.

To grow the 2024 crop, farmers have invested $15 million and are under extreme financial and mental strain to recoup this investment.

Farmers now face the prospect of their crops being left in the paddock to rot. It is financially and practically impossible to make an effective agricultural transition - unless the current crop is harvested.

The closure could be a catalyst for the destruction of the region’s economy - the demise of an agricultural industry, environment, employment and local business and services. Mossman has already witnessed the displacement of residents, as 80% of the skilled workers have now been terminated.

The closure impacts over 500 jobs - increasing welfare dependency - unless the mill stays operational, and/or the current crop is harvested.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to do all in its power to keep the Mossman Mill operational and/or harvest the current crop for the 2024 season.

The Shire needs an agricultural industry and the farmers need time to collaboratively discuss a business model that ensures a local agricultural industry future, its profitability and sustainability, so the Mossman community can thrive.

You can see this statement and add your name to the petition here.

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