Tropical biodiversity comes alive at DAB's 'Feathers, Fur or Fins' exhibition


Jamie Jansen


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Mandy Ryan (second from right), DAB Manager, emphasised the aim for an uplifting exhibition after a challenging end to last year. Picture: DAB

In a celebration of local creativity and the vibrant biodiversity of the region, Douglas Art Base (DAB) in Mossman unveiled its first exhibition for 2024, titled ‘Feathers, Fur or Fins’. 

The exhibition runs until April 20 and features over 200 artworks from 40 of our local area’s talented artists.

Inspired by the theme, which echoes the sentiment of protecting the environment for all creatures, great and small, artists embraced a variety of mediums to depict the diverse wildlife of our tropical paradise. 

The exhibition features an impressive range of pieces, from acrylic cassowaries to watercolour gouldian finches, and from clay green ant nests to flow art seahorses.

Mandy Ryan, Gallery Manager at DAB Gallery, shared her enthusiasm for the exhibition, stating, “After the challenging end to last year and the slow start to this one, we aimed for an uplifting and enjoyable exhibition”.

“We didn't give members much lead time when we announced the exhibition, but there was a fantastic response,” Ms Ryan expressed. 

“As you would agree, we live in a tropical paradise and we are all inspired by our surroundings whether it's the scenery, creatures, or nature in general, so our DAB artists knew immediately what they were going to create.”

Among the standout works are Inger Rowe’s striking bird paintings, including the Rainbow Bee-Eater featured on the exhibition poster, and Dani Spencer’s exquisite black and white lino-cuts titled “Reef: Turtle & Dugong” and “Forest: Platypus & Tree Kangaroo”.

DAB’s commitment to supporting local talent is evident in its open-door policy for artists of all levels. “One of the many great things about DAB is that it doesn’t matter if you are an experienced artist or at the beginning of your art journey, there is something for everyone,” Ms Ryan said.

“We have many visitors who return to DAB to see the latest artwork on display, and purchase items. They love the fact that we are all local artists and the artwork is original, unique and of a high quality.”

DAB’s gallery is open Monday to Friday 10.00am - 2.00pm and the exhibition runs until Saturday 20 April at 11 Mill Street Mossman, opposite the library.

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