Vibrant celebration as Port Douglas Artists Inc. opens Gallery


Jamie Jansen


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Renowned artist Linda Jackson stands beside her acrylic artwork at the brand new Port Douglas Artist Inc. Gallery. Picture: Newsport

Last Friday marked a vibrant celebration in the Douglas Shire as artists and art enthusiasts gathered to celebrate the grand opening of the Port Douglas Artists Inc. Gallery in Craiglie.

Port Douglas Artists Inc., a not-for-profit association comprising artists from diverse backgrounds across the Shire, witnessed overwhelming support as they unveiled their latest endeavour.

The gallery, nestled on the loft level of Port Douglas Picture Framing at 3/9 Pioneer Street, Craiglie, offers a permanent space for the association's members to showcase their work. 

The artwork will be refreshed approximately every three months, offering visitors a chance to experience new pieces regularly. The gallery invites people to drop in at any time to explore the ever-evolving collection.

Check out the highlights from the opening night in the photo gallery below:

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