Video: Newsport discusses water developments, Quaids Dam, Daintree Ferry latest and Port Douglas marina with Lisa Scomazzon


Michael Warren


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Lisa Scomazzon chats with Newsport in her first extended interview since being sworn in as Mayor. Video and screenshot: Michael Warren

A short time ago new Douglas Shire Mayor Lisa Scomazzon and her fellow Councillors were officially sworn in during a morning ceremony.

It’s been an incredibly challenging time with many different issues – Cyclone Jasper, floods, Mossman Mill closure, Noah Range and the water crisis all impacting the Shire over the past four months.

In this extended interview with Newsport just moments after Cr Scomazzon was officially sworn in she reveals:

  • Council’s latest response to the water crisis
  • Cr Scomazzon’s reaction to a push to consider Quaids Dam as a local water source
  • A Daintree Ferry update
  • Cr Scomazzon’s views on the Port Douglas marina and the need for it to be restored and
  • Cr Scomazzon’s pledge to improve Council communication and transparency


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