EXCLUSIVE: First domino falls as long serving employee Scott Hahne quits Douglas Shire Council


Michael Warren


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Newsport understands DSC employee Scott Hahne has quit. Picture: DSC

Newsport understands Douglas Shire Council project manager Scott Hahne has sensationally quit in the wake of ongoing public pressure following Council’s highly criticised, ongoing recovery response to Ex Tropical Cyclone Jasper and the ensuing heavy rainfall event.

In recent times Council has faced ongoing pressure for its perceived, slow reaction to clearing the Noah Range landslide in the Daintree.

Council, as late as yesterday has also been heavily criticised for not accepting the State Government’s offer of more resources which includes increased RoadTek crews to clear Noah Range more quickly.

Today marked 72 days since Noah Range became blocked following heavy rainfall at the back end of last December’s cyclone.

Newsport understands Mr Hahne notified CEO Rachel Brophy sometime yesterday or early today about this decision to resign from his position.

Newsport understands Douglas Shire Councillors attended a hastily convened 4pm meeting today in which Ms Brophy again told them of Mr Hahne’s decision to step away from his role.

Other Councillors knew of Mr Hahne’s decision earlier today.

It’s understood Douglas Shire staffers are unaware of Mr Hahne’s decision, and will instead be notified of his decision during a staff meeting next Monday morning.

It’s unclear if Mr Hahne has provided several weeks’ notice, or whether he has walked away from the post effectively immediately.

In a another stunning development Newsport has learned that fellow long serving staff member Lisa Golding told Douglas Shire staff members this morning that she is also resigning from her position.


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