IN PICTURES: Bodies in Motion’s spectacular performance wows community


Jamie Jansen


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With a cast and crew of 300, the show wowed audiences with two incredible performances. Picture: ROMY Photography

The excitement from Bodies in Motion’s “LEGENDARY” performance continues to echo throughout the community, even a week after the curtains closed at the Cairns Performing Arts Centre on Sunday, February 5th.

With a cast and crew of 300, the show wowed audiences with two incredible performances, including a sold-out evening show that packed the lower stalls.

Originally scheduled for December 14th, 2023, the production faced delays due to Cyclone Tropical Jasper and subsequent flooding. But after a six-week break, Bodies in Motion bounced back, making adjustments and tweaks to deliver an unforgettable experience.

Despite the challenges, over 900 people attended the show, a testament to the community's support and the group’s resilience.

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