Bubble tea craze hits Port Douglas with opening of inaugural shop


Jamie Jansen


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Steep Port Douglas sparks local excitement within one week of opening. Picture: Newsport

It’s a scorching afternoon in Port Douglas and there’s only one thing on your mind: a cool, non-alcoholic drink to beat the heat. But where does one go to satisfy this craving? This was the dilemma that Amy Inglis faced, prompting her to establish the town's very first bubble tea shop.

Just one week since its opening, Steep Port Douglas has already ignited a wave of excitement among locals, who eagerly embrace this beloved global beverage.

Bubble tea, hailing from Taiwan, is celebrated for its icy, frothy fusion of tea, flavours, sweeteners, milk, and chewy tapioca pearls, perfectly suited for our tropical climate.

Driven by her vision to provide the community with this refreshing drink, Amy scouted out the ideal location on Macrossan Street, nestled among local hotspots like Wicked Ice Cream, Nectar, and Nicha’s Coffee. With Steep, she completes this vibrant section of town, injecting a refreshing addition into Port Douglas’s culinary scene.

“I saw an opportunity to provide something tailored and refreshing, custom-made exactly to one's preferences,” Amy explained.

“As the first and only bubble tea shop in town, my initial focus has been on offering classic varieties, with plans to expand our menu based on community feedback and preferences. 

“Currently, our menu boasts classics like brown sugar milk tea, taro, matcha, and an array of fruit flavours. Customers can start with a tea or coffee base and personalise their drink with their preferred flavours.


Steep is located at Shop 1/46 Macrossan, next to the Happy Herb Shop, and is open from Monday to Saturday from 10.00am to 5.00pm. Steep will remain open on Good Friday and Easter Saturday. Explore Steep's menu here.


“For those unfamiliar with bubble tea, we assist them in navigating the customization process to discover the ideal flavour combinations. My personal favourite? Green lychee tea with lychee jelly.”

Inclusivity is key to Steep’s approach, as they cater to diverse dietary needs by providing options such as plant-based milk and alternatives like coconut condensed milk. And for those who prefer less sweetness, low sugar options are available like sparkling cold brew, with its rich flavour profile requiring minimal additional sweetening.

In terms of sourcing, Steep emphasises their dedication to quality and local partnerships. Their collaboration with Skybury coffee and the upcoming inclusion of Daintree Tea further emphasise this commitment to sourcing locally.

In addition to quality, sustainability is also a priority. Customers are encouraged to bring their own reusable cups and, in return, receive a small discount.

Looking ahead, Amy sets her sights on expanding Steep's reach into catering for weddings and children's parties. 

Drawing from personal experiences at weddings held at Rex Smeal Park, where the lack of cold drinks during warm outdoor events was evident, Amy envisions filling this gap. She plans to introduce take-home party packs, enabling kids to personalise their drinks according to their preferences.

The journey doesn’t end there, Steep will progressively introduce snacks, like Japanese rice cakes known as Mochi, to complement the beverages, aiming to offer something unique to the local scene.

Steep is located at Shop 1/46 Macrossan, next to the Happy Herb Shop, and is open from Monday to Saturday from 10.00am to 5.00pm. Steep will remain open on Good Friday and Easter Saturday. Explore Steep's menu here.

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