Campaign for new water pipeline to Douglas Shire from Quaid’s Dam


David Gardiner


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Quaid’s Dam (Lake Mitchell): Douglas residents are petitioning the state govt and Council for a new water pipeline to secure future supply. Pic: Dept Natural Resources

Douglas Shire residents are making a concerted effort to have a say in the future of the area’s water supply and security, asking the State Government to help build a new pipeline from a large water resource.

A petition to both the state’s Natural Resources Department and Council is gaining signatures, for the proposed pipeline between Quaid’s Dam – also known as Lake Mitchell Dam in neighbouring Mareeba Shire – and Douglas Shire.

The huge dam is not currently used as a water resource, and is estimated by the State Government to hold at least 129,000 megalitres of potential supply.

Douglas Shire resident Kellie Lawler has started a Change.Org petition, saying she is “witnessing first-hand the dire state of our water supply,” and calling on the state government and Council to “prioritize an urgent and sustainable solution - a pipeline from Quaid’s dam.” 

Ms Lawler says in the petition that the water supply situation in Douglas Shire “is so severe that we are on the brink of a water crisis with the threat of water supplies being completely cut during the peak tourist season.”

She goes on to say that the proposal is not only about the short-term water supply situation, but also about future-proofing Douglas Shire “against further crises.”

“The proposed solution involves utilizing Quaid’s dam, which sits idle just 35km west of Port Douglas,” the petition says. 

“By implementing a gravity feed pipeline to the tanks at Craiglie and establishing a new purpose-built filtration plant, we can secure our future water supply and alleviate current issues such as silt troubles in existing filtration systems.”

Ms Lawler’s petition is in conjunction with a letter to politicians by Bryce Tozer, Manager of Cayman Villas Resort in Port Douglas, who says in the near future, Douglas Shire will need around 15 megalitres a day of water – and Quaid’s Dam is the solution.

“All surface water derived from the Mitchell River is controlled by the QLD State Government, pipelines are constantly being laid throughout neighbouring council areas to help in-need towns and shires, I think we are now in a state of desperate need,” Mr Tozer says in the letter.

“The solution is sitting idle 35km to our west, a gravity feed pipeline to the tanks at Craiglie and a new purpose-built filtration plant would future proof the Shire, and aid in the recovery of Rex Creek, all we need now is someone to listen and act, not procrastinate for the next 10 years!!!”

Mr Tozer’s complete letter has been published by Newsport here.

The petition link can be accessed here.

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