Emerging Mossman artist Kirsty Burchill makes debut breakthrough with single 'Never Again'


Jamie Jansen


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Kirsty Burchill’s (Kaybee) single delves into the complexities of tumultuous relationships. Picture: Kaybee Official Music

Kirsty Burchill, a rising star Australian musician and proud product of Mossman, has taken a significant leap in her musical journey with the release of her debut single, ‘Never Again’.

Having relocated to Melbourne last year, Kirsty collaborated with Producer Jimmy Harwood in the picturesque setting of the Grampians to bring her musical vision to life.

The song, as described by Kirsty, delves into the complexities of tumultuous relationships and how self love and putting yourself first can get you through those moments. 

“It also reflects the valuable lessons my parents instilled in me, to stay educated, and fixated on empowering myself and good love will come,” Kirsty said. “I was taught to not let myself down chasing other people and I feel like this is a perfect song to introduce me as an Artist. It is super boppy, fun and only the beginning.”

As the clock struck midnight on the day of the song's release, Kirsty experienced a whirlwind of emotions; from joy to nostalgia. “Every emotion had just spewed out of me,” Kirsty recounted. “It was a moment of celebration, thinking of my family and friends who've witnessed every roller coaster ride in my life.”

Collaborating with the talented producer, Jimmy Harwood, has proven transformative for Kirsty’s craft, elevating her work to new heights. 

“Heading to the Grampians was probably one of the most important trips for my music,” Kirsty said. “Jimmy is incredibly talented, and during our time there, he crafted this amazing beat that just clicked with the song. My music often flows naturally from my experiences or emotions, and that session was no exception.

“I hope that any and all my music is relatable and I guess for those who know me can appreciate that I've been through it and if I can overcome it so can they.”

With the skilled touch of Marc Scollo, who mixed and mastered the song, Kirsty’s summer anthem found its perfect sound, ready to captivate audiences worldwide.

Looking ahead, Kirsty’s musical journey is filled with excitement. A show in Sydney on the 28th of May, alongside Lionel Cole and the Beautiful Souls awaits, where she will be singing her single and other originals with the band. 

Her excitement extends to her upcoming single, produced by ‘eddxeonthetrack’, which is set to release soon. Infused with an R&B soul vibe, reminiscent of her musical roots, Kirsty hints at the possibility of a music video in June or July. Additionally, she looks forward to gigs in Melbourne and expresses a heartfelt desire to return home, hoping to collaborate with fellow artists and stage performances in the region if given the opportunity.

Listen to Kirsty’s current single ‘Never Again’


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