Free coffee for a year up for grabs for one lucky local at the Sheraton


Jamie Jansen


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Newsletter subscribers automatically enter a prize draw for a chance to win free daily barista coffee for a year from Palms Lobby Café in the resort foyer. Picture: Sheraton Grand Mirage Resort Port Douglas

The Sheraton Grand Mirage Resort Port Douglas is launching a monthly email newsletter, accompanied by an enticing giveaway - a year’s worth of free coffee for one lucky local.

Packed with updates on resort events, dining experiences, and exclusive offers, the newsletter aims to keep locals up-to-date on the latest happenings at the resort, emphasising that the resort's vibrant gatherings are open to all, not just guests.

The monthly newsletter will feature reminders of Sheraton Sunset Sessions, Rum Masterclasses with FNQ Co, and exclusive early access to events like the recent free Children’s book readings, mindfulness meditation sessions, and the bi-annual Italian Harvest Feast Under the Stars.

Deb McDiarmid, Director of Marketing, highlighted the importance of staying connected amidst the digital deluge. 

“In the age of non-stop scrolling and information overload, receiving an email from a local business ensures we get closer connected to what’s happening,” Ms McDiarmid said.  

“With our monthly email newsletter, we aim to foster a sense of community amongst our local followers, giving them priority knowledge of news and information on what’s happening for everyone to enjoy at the resort.”

Subscribers to the newsletter will automatically enter a high-value prize draw, offering the chance to win one free barista coffee every day for a year from Palms Lobby Café, located conveniently in the resort’s foyer.

Winners also receive a complimentary Sheraton Port Douglas takeaway cup, perfect for enjoying their daily brew on the move. With potential savings exceeding $2,000, this prize is a dream come true for avid coffee enthusiasts.

Llewellyn de Souza, Director of Food and Beverage, highlighted the Lobby Café’s offerings and inviting atmosphere.

“When locals think of the Sheraton they think of our pools. They forget that we have an amazing café in the convenient lobby, which serves delicious barista coffees, fresh pastries, coconut cake, sandwiches and coconut ice cream,” he said

“It’s air-conditioned, offers comfortable seating and is the perfect place to spend the morning reading a book, getting together with a friend or catching up on emails as WIFI is also free.”

Mr de Souza urged interested individuals to act swiftly, reminding them that time is running out to participate in the 'Free Coffee for a Year' promotion. Entries close on March 31st at 11:59pm, so eager coffee aficionados should seize this opportunity without delay.

To join the competition, simply subscribe to the newsletter here. The lucky winner will receive notification on April 2nd.

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