LETTER TO ED: Mossman resident pleas for Garden slash with claims rat plague on Middlemiss St


Contributor Article

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A reader has called for some grass cutting at the Mossman Botanic Garden site. Note - this is a generic picture only and was not taken at the site discussed in the letter.

Dear Editor,

I write to you about Mossman’s Botanic Garden site.

In years gone by the proposed Botanic Garden site was regularly slashed but now (allegedly) it hasn't been slashed since October last year.

That's six months of growth where the rubbish is now over two and a half metres tall, which is now the perfect breeding ground for all kinds of vermin that has now inundated our property on Middlemiss street.

The situation is now getting beyond a joke as we are constantly being over run with vermin, doing damage to our house and cars.

We have now had to resort to using rat poison to control the plague of mainly rats.

We are using a box of Talon every week to keep the vermin numbers at bay.

I would like to see the Botanic garden’s proposed sight slashed ASAP to keep the rodent population at bay.

Sincerely yours,

Steve Cruickshank


  • A reminder the views and opinions expressed in this piece are those of the author and author only and do not reflect those of the editor or Newsport staff.



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