LETTER TO ED: Reader seeks answers from Douglas Shire Council CEO about poignant local water issues


Contributor Article

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The Whyanbeel Water Treatment Plant. Picture: Supplied

Dear Editor,

I attended the meeting on March 4 organised by Tourism Port Douglas Daintree with DSC and Douglas Chamber of Commerce.

The meeting addressed the problems relating to water supply in the Shire, and how it affects tourism.

Topics were discussed but mainly answered by comments like: 'we are modelling different scenarios' and 'we are looking into this'.

Several of the attendants, myself included,  would have liked some clearer answers to the matter in question.

The difficulties relating to water supply in Douglas Shire must have been known by the Council for years, if not decades.

Cyclone Jasper put the supply issues to the test.

I would like the following questions addressed by current Douglas Shire CEO Rachel Brophy:

  1. Has a solution to fix the water supply in the Shire been identified?
  2. Has DSC applied for funding to carry out the work required?
  3. Is there a timeline for when the work is estimated to commence -  and be complete?
  4. Will DSC investigate the possibility of running a pipeline from the Quaid Dam?

I hope the CEO will answer these questions simply and publicly.


Bernt Berentsen,
Villa San Michele, Port Douglas


  • A reminder the views and opinions expressed in this piece are those of the author and author only and do not reflect those of the editor or Newsport staff.

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